Blues FC - Registration

Welcome to the registration process for Blues FC!

Welcome to the Blues FC Registration System

We are proud that you have chosen Blues FC as your club for this year and hopefully you will choose to play here for many years to come.  Joining our club and your team carries with it mutual obligations that when met makes for the best soccer experience for you athlete, your team and the club.


  • As Parents, coaches and club officials, we are required to conduct ourselves in a way that honors the game, conveys an image of professionalism and most importantly set an outstanding example to our players as to how to conduct themselves in a professional and respectful manner.
  • The club will always put the health and well being of every player as it’s first priority, the development of excellent soccer skills as the second priority and ensuring a positive sports experience as it’s third priority.

Thank you once again for choosing Blues.

You must be logged in with your Demosphere account to proceed with registration. If you do not have a Demosphere account, you can create one on the sign in page.